Sunday, March 2, 2025


    Pitchers and catchers report! This clarion call from out of the depths of winter brings joy to the nation’s baseball fans. Last season the Dodgers won the World Series in a replay of memorable Series when I was a kid. Hated the Yankees. Loved Dem Bums. All in all, a memorable season with some new faces and some old familiar ones. 

There has never  been a movie that captures the speed and grace of baseball. Football, basketball and track all photograph better. Even soccer.  But Hollywood (and I) love baseball and there are lots of films that have a good feel for baseball's spirit.

These are my favorite baseball movies:

1. Field of Dreams  (1989). I absolutely love this wonderful film. It's the best thing Kevin Costner has ever done. James Earl Jones is splendid as the kidnaped writer and Ray Liotta's debut as Shoeless Joe is top notch. The magic of baseball and something of what it has meant to Americans is here, as well as the ridicule true believers in any magic must endure. When the players materialize out of the cornfield I always get goose bumps.

2. The Natural (1984). Larger than life and meant to be, this is the fable of the Great American Hero. Robert Redford has it down pat. OK, guys, maybe he is a little too pretty, but live with it. Glenn Close is the hero's dream of The Lady. The argument that Roy Hobbs' home runs are impossible is completely beside the point. 

3. Bull Durham (1988). The movie that made Durham Bulls memorabilia famous. As good as it gets in portraying the gritty, quirky world of minor league baseball. Susan Sarandon is just right (isn't she always?) as the ultimate fan, Kevin Costner is fine as Crash Davis, and a pleasantly awkward Tim Robbins is good as The Kid. Funny, touching, and lots of fun.

4. Pride of the Yankees (1942). Gary Cooper is more like Lou Gehrig than Gehrig was. The complete team player with the terminal disease that was named for him won't leave a dry eye in the house when the credits roll. “The luckiest man on the face of the earth”. Okay, he’s dying- but he got to play for the Yankees!

5. Bang the Drum Slowly (1973). Another doomed player; here a none-too-bright but engaging Robert DeNiro. He gets the puzzlement of "why me?" across really well.  The camaraderie of the players, and even their occasional meanness, seem right on the money. 

Close runners-up: Major League (1989) [inept but hilarious Cleveland wins pennant], The Stratton Story (1949) [one-armed Major League pitcher], and A League of Their Own (1992 ) girls playing professional baseball]. The last one gave us this memorable phrase from manager Tom Hanks: “There’s no crying in baseball”.

And a special Honorable Mention to Ken Burns' TV series Baseball, a nine-hour love story done as well as it could be.

All of the films in this column are available somewhere. Only Bull Durham is not suitable for all ages.

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